Monday, May 5, 2008

Patio Quilt

The new paver patio is officially complete, except for the furniture. It only took a week to lay 960 square feet of pavers and an 18 inch wall. This is the last Major work on the new house for a while. The front landscapeing will have to wait till the house in MN is sold.
But here's the story in pictures:

The foundation is laid and leveled (you don't see the drain pipe)

The pavers are being laid

The patio fairie (next door neighbor Fran) lent us some furniture so we can actually enjoy the finished patio.

So how does this relate to quilting?

Here's the paver pattern "Symmetry"

And here's "Paver Quilt" pinned up on the design wall

So it's still a work in progress, but it will end up on the floor.

That is my positive for today - the Patio if finished!! and we love it!!

And the thought for the day (thanks to the Redneck Mamma) Spread Glitter, the world needs more sparkle!!


Ginabee said...

Wow .. the patio and the quilt are gorgeous. I love the colors your painted in your house. Good luck with the rest of the move and sale of your house.

Riviera Mom said...

My how times flies. It has been a while since I have seen you. Your new home is beautiful as is your patio quilt. Keep spreading sparkles every where you go.

Riviera Mom